Ten Tips To Save On Gasoline

Written by Jeffrey Strain

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Ten Tips To Save On Gasoline By Jeffrey Strain

Gas prices continue to be near all time highs meaning that car travel is taking a a larger portion out of each of your paychecks. AAA estimates thatrepparttar 110369 cost of driving a car including all direct and indirect costs has surpassed 50 cents a gallon with that price expected to rise.

Reducingrepparttar 110370 cost of driving your car can be done fairly easy simply by paying a bit more attention to your car. Here are 10 easy ways to cutrepparttar 110371 amount of gas your car uses:

1. Purchase your gasoline when it's coolest outside such as inrepparttar 110372 early morning or at night. Gas becomes denser in cooler temperatures. Since gas pumps only measurerepparttar 110373 volume of fuel - and notrepparttar 110374 density - you'll get better overall gas mileage for your money by purchasing fuel when it's cool outside rather than inrepparttar 110375 heat ofrepparttar 110376 day.

2. Religiously check your car's tire pressure each month (make sure to purchase a good-quality dial-type gauge for yourself -- pencil-style gauges andrepparttar 110377 ones mounted onrepparttar 110378 air hose are unreliable according to federal government surveys). Under inflated tires reduce fuel efficiency by 2% for every pound they are under inflated. Under inflation also causes premature tire wear giving your tires a shorter use life.

Knowledge To Bring With You For The Nursing Home Admission

Written by Tammy Gonzales

Nursing Homes require a lot of information. For many individuals entering a nursing home this may berepparttar first time they are introduced to health, financial and end of life planning. Some ofrepparttar 110366 information required by nursing homes may be very sensitive if you have not addressedrepparttar 110367 reality of your own or your loved ones health and financial related outcomes.

Knowing how longrepparttar 110368 anticipated stay for rehabilitation will help you determinerepparttar 110369 cost of care andrepparttar 110370 resources needed to pay forrepparttar 110371 stay. The professional staff ofrepparttar 110372 hospital will be able to give you an estimated time frame. Whenrepparttar 110373 resident is assessed atrepparttar 110374 nursing home they will give you another time frame based uponrepparttar 110375 resident’s health condition,repparttar 110376 resident’s ability to tolerate rehabilitation activity andrepparttar 110377 level of independence required for whererepparttar 110378 resident will reside after their rehabilitation stay.

Advance Directives are very important and deeply personal. The most critical Advance Directive nursing staff needs to know for a rehabilitation stay is what you want done if your heart and breathing should stop. CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) is a group of treatments used when someone’s heart and/or breathing stops. CPR is used in attempt to restartrepparttar 110379 heart and breathing. If you do not wish to receive CPR, your doctor must write a separate do-not-resuscitate (DNR) order onrepparttar 110380 chart or DNR (Do Not Resuscitate). The nursing home can provide you with more information.

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